Business and profession data requests
We issue professional and business licenses for a variety of industries, but many licenses are issued by other agencies. To determine which agency to contact regarding the industry you are interested in, please check the list of licenses.
Want to search for a particular licensee? You can Look up a business or professional license.
Service details:
- Lists of individual professional licensees are available only to approved educators or associations as noted in RCW 42.56.070. To determine if you qualify to be an approved educator or association, please contact the licensing program area. Lists of licensed engineers are available to the general public (RCW 18.43.035).
- Lists of licensed businesses can be provided to the general public.
- Statistics regarding professional licenses or business licenses may also be compiled. Due to the nature of our system and processes, we are unable to fulfill some statistics requests.
- Published statistics on the number of licensees in most of our licensed professions are available in our Statistics–at–a–Glance at no charge.
One–time data file
- Contract
- No contract is required
- Requester must make a new request each time a data file is needed
- Fees
- You will be required to pay for the actual costs of creating and providing the data file at the rate of $48 per hour. This fee reimburses us for the cost of providing the data to you. An estimate can be provided.
Questions? Need help?
Department of Licensing
Attn: Public Records Officer
PO Box 2957
Olympia, WA 98507-2957