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Getting a driver license: Medical and vision screening

When you apply for a driver license, or if we become aware of a vision or medical issue that may impact your driving, you must have a vision or medical screening at a driver licensing office.


During the screening, we'll check your eyesight to ensure you see well enough to safely operate a vehicle. If the test shows your eyesight doesn't meet the licensing standard without glasses, your license may have a restriction for corrective lenses. We may require you to get an examination by an eye care specialist and submit a Visual Examination Report (English, Español, Русский, and more).


You'll be asked if you have a physical or mental condition, or if are you taking any medication which could impair your ability to operate a motor vehicle. We may require you to get an examination by a medical specialist and submit a Physical Examination Report (English, Español, Русский, and more).

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