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Purchase another person's driving record

Driving records are confidential. The following individuals or companies may get a copy of another person's driving record.

Attorneys may buy a complete record by mailing us:

  • $15 for each record (check or money order made payable to the Department of Licensing).
  • A written request in one of the following formats:
    • A completed Driving Record Request (English, Español, Русский, and more). Include the address where you want the driving record mailed.
    • A letter on the law firm's letterhead, indicating that you represent the driver and including the driver's:
      • Full name
      • Date of birth
      • Mailing address

Law, justice, or other government agencies may request a complete record by mailing us a written request.

Employers, prospective employers, or their agents may buy an employment record by mailing us:

  • Employers may request:
    • A full record for their own use
    • or
    • A 3-year insurance driving record to give to their insurance company.
  • A completed Driving Record Request (English, Español, Русский, and more). Include the address where you want the driving record mailed.
  • $15 for each record requested (check or money order made payable to the Department of Licensing).
  • If you're requesting a driving record for an employee, prospective employee, or volunteer, you must get a Driving Record Release of Interest (English, Español, 简体中文, and more) form from the driver before making your request. Keep it in your files. Don't mail it to us.

Insurance companies or their agents may buy a 3-year noncommercial insurance abstract, a 3-year commercial insurance abstract, or a 3-year life insurance abstract by mailing us:

  • $15 for each record (check or money order made payable to the Department of Licensing).
  • A written request in one of the following formats:
    • A completed Driving Record Request (English, Español, Русский, and more). Include the address where you want the driving record mailed.
    • A letter on the insurance company's letterhead that includes the purpose for requesting the driving record (commercial, non-commercial, or life insurance) AND either the driver's Washington State driver license number OR the driver's full name (including middle name or initial) and date of birth.

Transit authorities or their agents may buy a volunteer vanpool driver record by mailing us:

  • A completed Driving Record Request (English, Español, Русский, and more). Include the address where you want the driving record mailed.
  • $15 for each record (check or money order made payable to the Department of Licensing).

A transportation network company uses a digital network to connect passengers with their drivers for prearranged rides. They may request a full record by mailing us:

  • A completed Driving Record Request (English, Español, Русский, and more). Include the address where you want the driving record mailed.
  • $15 for each record requested. Make your check or money order made payable to the Department of Licensing.

Volunteer organizations may buy a volunteer for organization driver record by mailing us:

  • A completed Driving Record Request (English, Español, Русский, and more). Include the address where you want the driving record mailed.
  • $15 for each record (check or money order made payable to the Department of Licensing).
  • If you're requesting a driving record for an employee, prospective employee, or volunteer, you must get a Driving Record Release of Interest (English, Español, 简体中文, and more) form from the driver before making your request. Keep it in your files. Don't mail it to us.

School districts may buy a school bus driver record by mailing us:

  • A completed School District Driving Record Request. Include the address where you want the driving record mailed.
  • $15 for each record (check or money order made payable to the Department of Licensing).

State colleges, state universities, and local government units authorized to self insure may purchase a driving record for employment and risk management by mailing us:

  • A completed Driving Record Request (English, Español, Русский, and more). Include the address where you want the driving record mailed.
  • $15 for each record (check or money order made payable to the Department of Licensing).

Purchase a driving record


  • Create a business account
  • The record(s) you purchase will be available within 24 hours. You can print or download them for 30 days.

By mail

Mail the Driving Record Request (English, Español, Русский, and more) and non-refundable fee for each record. We accept checks or money orders. Follow the instructions on the form.

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