Types of suspensions
Choose a type of suspension below to learn more about the suspension and how to get your license back:
- Accumulation of traffic tickets (moving violations for traffic infraction)
- Commercial Driver License (CDL) disqualifications
- Canceled insurance
- Child support
- Continuing offenses (moving violations)
- Court probation violations
- DUI (Driving under the influence)
- Driving while a license is revoked (1st degree)
- Driving while a license is revoked (2nd degree)
- Eluding a police officer
- Failure to pay accident damages: Financial Responsibility Law
- Failure to pay accident damages: Unsatisfied civil court judgments
- Felony involving a motor vehicle
- Fraud
- Habitual traffic offender (HTO)
- Hit and run (of an occupied vehicle)
- Physical/vision
- Minor in possession of alcohol, drugs, or firearms
- Reckless driving
- Reckless endangerment in a construction zone
- Teen restricted (intermediate) license violations
- Theft of motor vehicle fuel
- Treatment reports for alcohol/chemical dependency
- Unattended child in a running vehicle (2 or more offenses)
- Unresolved traffic citations (UTC)
- Vehicular assault
- Vehicular homicide
- Vehicular manslaughter
- Violation of driver license restrictions
Related information
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