The new dol.wa.gov is coming soon — here's what to know!

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Resources for boaters

Registration and fees

Getting ready

  • Mandatory boater education (Washington State Parks)
    Find out how to get the Washington State Boater Education card required by state law.
  • Buy a Discover Pass (discoverpass.wa.gov)
    Get an annual or 1-day pass to enjoy state parks, water-access points, and trails.
  • Get a fishing license (Department of Fish and Wildlife)
    Use the WILD System to buy your license online.
  • boat.wa.gov (Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office)
    The 1-stop portal for boating education, weather and tides, fishing licenses, and more.
  • Boater safety (Washington State Parks)
    Get boating safety tips and learn about requirements for life jackets or vests.

Launch, moorage, and pumpout locations


  • Aquatic invasive species (Department of Fish and Wildlife)
    Learn how you can prevent the spread of aquatic nuisance species.
  • Clean, green boating (Department of Ecology)
    You can help keep our waters clean by making sure fuel goes only in your tank, not in the water.
  • No Discharge Zone (Department of Ecology)
    Puget Sound officially designated No Discharge Zone. This will protect shellfish, public health, and water quality.
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