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Filing IFTA tax returns

Save a trip! Most services are available through TAP - PRFT Taxpayer Access Point.

As an IFTA member, you must complete and file an IFTA tax return every 3 months. You must file when:

  • you don't have any mileage to report (mark "No operation" on the tax return),
  • you travel only in Washington,
  • there is no payment due.

We'll mail pre-printed quarterly IFTA tax returns which include barcoded information to active account holders. Included in this quarterly mailing is the current IFTA tax rate schedule. IFTA quarterly tax returns must be submitted on the original pre-printed form or you can access TAP to electronically complete the quarterly tax return.

How to file a return

File online via TAP or complete the pre-printed IFTA Tax Return form for the correct period. Instructions for filling out the tax return can be found on the TAP page, our IFTA Tax Return instructions, or review the IFTA Membership packet. Tax Returns must be submitted per the chart below:

Filing quarters and due dates

Tax return quarter Due dates for filing*
1st quarter: January, February, March April 30
2nd quarter: April, May, June July 31
3rd quarter: July, August, September October 31
4th quarter: October, November, December January 31
*Tax returns must be postmarked the next working day if any of the dates fall on a weekend or Washington State holiday.

Mail or Fax:

Tax return with payment enclosed:

Department of Licensing
Prorate and Fuel Tax Services
PO Box 9048
Olympia, WA 98507-9048

Tax return only and no payments:

Department of Licensing
Prorate and Fuel Tax Services
PO Box 9228
Olympia, WA 98507-9228
Fax: 360.570.7839

Cancellation, revocation, and reinstatement

You may cancel your IFTA account at any time via:

  • your TAP account,
  • by submitting a tax return marked "cancel license" with an effective date listed, or
  • by providing a cancellation letter.

All accounts must be paid in full. If your account is revoked, you would have received a letter regarding this action and providing requirements. When reinstating, use the "reinstatement" link on your TAP account or fill out a new IFTA application. All outstanding amounts must be paid in full and a $100 reinstatement fee must be paid. A new Decal application may need to be completed if you don't have current decals.

If the account is managed by a Service Bureau and the IFTA member wants to remove the access of the Service Bureau, a request must be submitted in writing and sent by email or mail, TAP, the POA, etc. Our staff will make the change and your account on TAP will reflect this or we will call you.

Interest charged on late returns

Interest is set annually by IFTA, Inc. at 2 percentage points above the underpayment rate established by the IRS. This rate accrues monthly at 1/12 the annual rate.

Washington charges 1% interest on the full amount owed as of the 1st of the following month if the balance due has not been paid. Washington interest is applied to the net balance due on the first of the month following the due date of the filed return.

How to request copies of your return

For copies of your entered IFTA tax returns, access your TAP account. For certified copies, complete the Washington State IFTA Information Release Request and submit using the information on the form. Once the request is processed, you will receive your return by the method requested as well as through your TAP account.

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