Intermittent-use trailer plates
- Trailer and plate requirements
- Find out the fees
- Submit your payment and application
- Using restored Washington (WA) license plates
- Update your Good-to-Go! account, if you have one
1. Trailer and plate requirements
- Must be registered in WA
- Have a standard license plate, or
- A restored plate that was issued by us the year the intermittent-use trailer was manufactured
- Must be in good working order
- Have a scale weight of 2,000 pounds or less
- You can use them for:
- Club activities, exhibitions, tours, and parades
- Occasional pleasure use
- You can't:
- Rent them to the public - personal use only
- Use them for commercial or business purposes
- They can only be used on the trailer they were purchased for
- Install the plates on the rear of the trailer
2. Find out the fees
- Standard plates initial fee: $20.75
- Restored plates initial fee: $43.75
- Plus registration fee: $187.50
- Plus other applicable fees
Contact a vehicle licensing office to find out the total fees.
3. Submit your payment and application
Mail your payment and Specialty License Plate Application to:
Special Plate Unit
Department of Licensing
PO Box 9043
Olympia, WA 98507-8500
4. Using restored Washington (WA) license plates
- You can use restored WA plates instead of Collector Vehicle plates.
- The restored plate must be from the same year that the vehicle/trailer was manufactured.
- The plates must be restored to their original design. You can’t use reproductions.
- For more information, see Restored plates.
5. Update your Good To Go! account, if needed
If you have a Good To Go! electronic tolling pass, be sure to update the contact information on your account with the Department of Transportation:
- Online:
- By phone: 866.936.8246