The new dol.wa.gov is coming soon — here's what to know!

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Disabled parking: Organizational

If your organization transports anyone who has a qualifying disability, you can apply for:

  • Placards to hang on the rear-view mirror of any vehicle that provides regular transportation.
  • or
  • License plates for any vehicle that is registered with your organization and used for regular transportation.

Submit your application

Bring your completed Disabled Parking Application for Organizations and a copy of your current business license to a vehicle licensing office.

Note: For disabled parking plates include with the application, a copy of the vehicle's current registration.

Annual status report

The annual April status report is no longer needed from organizations.

Renew your plates yearly

For license plates: To renew, you must visit a local vehicle licensing office.

For placards: They must be renewed every 5 years. To renew, bring:

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